Reading Log: (MEETING 11: News)
Day 1
Date : 15
April 2020
14:00 –
1. How to
sleep better during the COVID-19 outbreak.
2. COVID-19 to have ‘profound’ mental health fallout.
Businesses Suffer in New York's Coronavirus Lockdown
Event (Main Event)
1 You
might find yourself struggling to sleep during the current COVID-19 outbreak,
as stress, uncertainly and changes in our usual routine make it more difficult
to relax at night and drop off.
2. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a "profound and
pervasive impact" on global mental health as billions struggle to cope
with isolated living and anxiety spikes, experts warned Thursday. 3. One of the impact of
coronavirus outbreak is that many people, in this case, immigrant’s
bussineses are threatened the continuity of their bussineses.
Event (Elaboration)
1. 1) Try to stick to the same bedtime and wake-up time, 2) Avoid
napping, 3) Get some sunlight during the day, 4) And avoid bright light in
the evening, 5) Avoid alcohol and caffeine, 6) Try to relax, 7) Try
2. Two accompanying surveys of the British public showed that most
people questioned had experienced heightened anxiety and fear of becoming
mentally unwell since the pandemic struck.
3. Lack of
costumers are the main reason of their loss.
Vocabularies found
restrictions, halt, schemes.
The impact
of the coronavirus pandemic are really big for human’s life. But despite of
the negatif impact, there’s always be some possitive side of everything. For
example, polution in the air, water, and ground were reduced. Beside that,
people are started to care of each other as the same human being. Hope the
positive impact of this pandeemuc stay last even after the pandemic is over.
Day 2
Date : 16
April 2020
20:10 – 20:40
COVID-19: Jakartans volunteer to help patiens in isolation cope with
2. Testing backlog forces Jakarta to apply COVID-19 protocol to more
than 1,000 burials
3. Jokowi's capital relocation dream faces COVID-19 hurdle
Event (Main Event)
1. Dozens
of Jakarta have volunteered to become social companios for COVID-19 patients
and those suspected of having the disease in the capital city, joining an
intiative ti ensure that those confined to isolation receive the emotional support
they need.
2. The bodies of more
than 1,000 people have been buried according to the coronavirus
health protocol in Jakarta as laboratories battle a backlog in
COVID-19 testing for suspected cases.
3. The disease has severely affected economies around the world and
forced most into austerity mode to avoid a recession. Public spending has
been shaved and high-cost infrastructure projects have been shelved as a
result, with more likely to come.
Event (Elaboration)
1. The initiative, launched by volunteer group Jakarta
Maju Bersama (Jakarta
Moving Forward Together), seeks to connect volunteers with patients -- both
at hospitals and in self-isolation at their homes -- through a special
app that will allow them to communicate via text messages and video calls. The initiative
was expected to help relieve stress and frustration among those who need
support to get by during their quarantine, said the volunteer group's
head, Usamah Abdul Aziz.
2. Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that the interment protocol
for PDPs who had died before their tests results had been issued was a
precautionary measure to prevent the virus' transmission. The protocol was
being applied in the absence of the test results.
3. The government had initially planned early this year to fast-track
construction of the new capital, with a “soft groundbreaking” event planned
for July before the next phase of development begins in 2021. It also planned
to finalize the city’s master plan and pass a new law to consolidate the
process following deliberations with House of Representatives lawmakers.
Vocabularies found
urged, topped, devoted.
The effect
of this virus is so huge. Because it make a lot of people die, economic are
down, every activities is disturbed by this virus. Hoping that we are safe
from this virus, and hope that this virus is gone from this world.
Day 3
Date : 17
April 2020
13:00 –
1. Anak Krakatau: Lightning frenzy points to scale of volcanic plume.
2. Lexi
Rabe: 7-year-old Avengers actress says 'please don't bully me'
3. Stan
Lee never saw Avengers: Endgamebefore he died
Event (Main Event)
1. The 2018 eruption of Anak Krakatau in Indonesia was remarkable in
many ways. 2. Lexy
was bullied because she was just expressing her feeling in publis which was
normal for a seven years old kids.
Although Stan Lee did not get to see Avengers : Endgame before he
died, he still known the plot of the story.
Event (Elaboration)
1. Anak Krakatau it will be remembered, obviously, for the sudden flank
collapse that triggered the tsunami which killed over 400 people on the
nearby coastlines of Sumatra and Java. But the event also has been the source
of many scientific insights that could inform future hazard assessments. And
a new possibility is the potential for the frequency of lightning seen at an
eruption to give a simple guide to the height of a volcano's towering plume.
2. On her
instagram, Lexy posted a video that represent her feeling and of course it
was her mom controlled her account. Her mom want people understand that
everyone can have a bad days and have right to be their own self, and not
that easy to judge her. She’s just a child. The caption also said that
they’re give plenty of rules to her, and let her to express her feeling to be
herself in public.
3. Kevin
says Stan liked waiting until the premiere of a film to see the final movie
so never saw it finished. But he says Stan did know the details of the plot
from the making of the film.
Vocabularies found
boundaries, retrospect, arc, evolving, flesh, tremendously.
story that we watched, we read, we heard, and we know are not always the full
version of them. There must be something behind the stories. Our job as a
connoisseurs of art is only not to judge easly about everything as it seen by
Day 4
Date : 18
April 2020
09:00 –
1. Coronavirus: Five ways the outbreak is hitting global food industry
2. How long are you infectious when you have coronavirus?
3. Coronavirus: What it does to the body
Event (Main Event)
1. The spread of coronavirus in the global food industry. As the
world's population was plunged into lockdown, social media became filled with
stories of shortages at local supermarkets. Several ways the coronavirus
pandemic has an impact on food supply chains around the world, such as milk
down the drain, crops go to waste, not enough workers, changing our shopping
habits, the stock is sitting unused.
2. How long have you been contagious when you have coronavirus? How
long can people who have SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, transmit it to others? How long to get sick? How long
have you been contagious? Why do some people rub off longer? When are you no
longer contagious? Should you be tested again before returning to the
3. The coronavirus emerged in only December last year, but already the
world is dealing with a pandemic of the virus and the disease it causes -
Covid-19. For most, the disease is mild, but some people die. The process of
the virus attacks the body, among them incubation period, minor illnesses,
severe illness, critical illness.
Event (Elaboration)
1. The spread of the coronavirus caused huge losses for various
industries and workers. As American dairy farmers, the largest dairy
cooperative in the country estimates that farmers must dispose of 3.7 million
gallons (14 million liters) of milk every day due to supply line disruptions,
but this problem is not only seen in the US, with dairy farmers in The British
are asking for government help because of their own surplus problem. In
contrast to Germany, some time ago Germany made an exception to the locking
of its country to allow thousands of Romanian and Polish workers to fly in to
help spring. harvest, especially by picking strawberries and asparagus
2. The
incubation period is the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of
symptoms. For COVID-19, the incubation period ranges from 1 to 14 days. But
most people who experience symptoms of COVID-19 do it 4 to 6 days after
infectious period means that your time can spread the virus to other people.
For COVID-19, there is emerging evidence to show that the period of infection
can start 1 to 3 days before you develop symptoms.
people are infectious longer because usually with a virus, the higher the
viral load (the more the virus circulates in the body), the higher the risk
of transmission through known transmission routes.
If someone
has been symptom-free for 3 days and they developed their first symptoms more
than 10 days before, they are no longer considered contagious.
3. During incubation, the virus
works by entering your body's cells and then hijacking it. The incubation
period, the time between infection and the first symptoms appear, varies
greatly, but on average is five days.
disease is experienced by most people, COVID-19 is a mild infection for eight
out of 10 people who get it and the core symptoms are fever and cough. Body
aches, sore throats, and headaches are all possible, but not guaranteed.
If the
disease develops, it is caused by the body's immune system overreacting to
the virus.
Vocabularies found
Plunged, dump, surplus, pivoting, encourage, establishing, hijacking, invade,
sputum, widespread, plunged, rooted, catastrophic.
The news
are very clear. And the topic of the news are make me so corious to read it.
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