Reading Log Meeting 4 (Fable)

Pre Reading

Why I am Interested to read
Question Before I Read
The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf
My friend said that this was his favourite fable, so I was curious to read this fable.
How the end of this story
The Ant and The Dove
My Nephew told me that this is his favourite fable.
What can the Ant do?
The Pig and The Sheep
My Mother have been read this story to me, when I was a kid
How can they know each other?
The King and Macaw Parrots
I was looking in the google, then I found it.
What can The Macaw Parrots do?
The Man and The Lion
I like the lion, because they are big, brave and the king of jugle.
What are they gonna do?
The Lion and The Mouse
I like the lion, not just the reason I write before, but because they are like the leader of all animal
How the end of this story?
Unity is Strength
I like a title
What kind of fable is this?
The Wolf and The Crane.
My mom used to tell me this story when I was a kid
What The Wolf gonna do?

  Day 1
Date : 19 February 2020
First Story
10.00 – 11.00
Title & Page
The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf.
The Shepherd Boy, The Wolf, Villagers, Sheep.
Main points of the story
A shepherd boy who plays with villagers with his fool tricks just to cheer himself up, but when the real wolf appears, no one villagers want to help him.
New Vocabularies found
Pasture, Underbrush, Amuse.
From this fable we learn that don't entertaining ourselves without thinking about what other people are doing, because it makes people can't trusted us again.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
“If you keep lying, no one will believe you even if you are speaking the truth. Always speak the truth.”
Second Story
Title & Page
The Ant and The Dove.
The Ant, The Dove, The Bird Catcher
Main points of the story
A bird catcher nearby was about to throw his net over the dove hoping to trap it. An ant saw him and guessed what he was about to do. The dove was resting and he had no idea about the bird catcher. An ant quickly bit him on the foot. Feeling the pain, the bird catcher dropped his net and let out a light scream. The dove noticed it and quickly flew away.
New Vocabularies found
What a good did for two of them, I like it.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
 If you do good, good will come to you.  One good turn deserves another.

Day 2
Date : 20 February 2020
First Story
Title & Page
The Pig and The Sheep
The Pig, The Sheep, The Shepherd, The Butcher
Main points of the story
The Pig was being cruelly hurt. But in spite of its squeals and struggles to escape, the Shepherd tucked his prize under his arm and started off to the butcher’s in the marketplace.
New Vocabularies found
Cruelly, Astonished, Amuse.
The Sheep have a good heart and a brave heart, I like it.
It is easy to be brave when there is no danger. Don’t compare two different situations without understanding them
Second Story
Title & Page
The King and Macaw Parrots
The King, Macaw Parrots
Main points of the story
As time passed, one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky, the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived.
New Vocabularies found
Arranged, Summoned
This story is very good, I like it. It makes me want to go out of the  comfort zone.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
“We are all gifted with energy to find a success in our life, but fail to gather a courage which is required to reach heights of success and end up clinging to the things that are familiar to us. We need to free ourselves from our comfort zone to explore new opportunities and find a success beyond our capacity..”

Day 3
Date : 21 February 2020
First Story
Title & Page
The Man and The Lion.
The Man, The Lion.
Main points of the story
They soon began to quarrel, for each of them boasted that he and his kind were far superior to the other both in strength and mind.

New Vocabularies found
Boasted, Tearing
I really like them. They are like a king of the jugle. I like it
                                      What I can get from the story (Moral Value)        
“It all depends on the point of view, and who tells the story. Always trust your own wit and try judge the circumstances.”
Second Story
Title & Page
The Lion and The Mouse.
The Lion, The Mouse.
Main points of the story
A lion laughs at a mouse's ability that a mouse can help itself, but when a lion is caught by a hunter with a strong ropes, the mouse can free the lion by biting its rope.
New Vocabularies found
Piteously, Bound.
I was amazed by the mouse, because even though it has a small body, it can free a lion by biting a ropes, even though the rope is very strong.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
“It is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion.”

Day 4
Date : 22 February 2020
First Story
Title & Page
Unity is Strength
Doves King, Doves, Hunter, Mouse.
Main points of the story
The King advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them. He said that there was strength in unity.
New Vocabularies found
Fluttered, Astonishment, Faithful,
I like how they works, it’s remind me of a movie. Fantastic.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
“When you work together, you are stronger.”
Second Story
Title & Page
The Wolf and The Crane.
The Wolf, The Crane.
Main points of the story
A wolf who has been partying is too greedy, and there is a bone stuck in his throat asking the crane to help remove the bone from his throat.
New Vocabularies found
Crosswise, Grasping, Whirling.
I don’t like to wolves who do not keep promises to give gifts to the cranes.
What I can get from the story (Moral Value)
Expect no reward for serving the one who has no honor. Staying in a company of selfish.”



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